Happy Chanukkah!
For just over one year, The Jewish Federation of Ottawa has been working with One Way Ministries to educate Christian pastors and their congregants about the antisemitism faced by the Jews of Ottawa. After a year of education, there was a request from these allied Christians to meet with the Jewish community and talk. There Continue Reading »
Shabbat and holiday is marked by uplifting services, inspiring sermons, engaging guest speakers, vibrant youth groups, delicious Kiddush meals, and the warmth and spirit of Jewish community. Sukkot Schedule 5785 Tova and Jim Lynch will sponsor the Kiddush this Shabbat in honour of Tova’s milestone birthday Wednesday, October 16 5:58 pm Candle Lighting for Sukkot Day Continue Reading »
Page numbers reference the Lev Shalem Machzor. Many of the congregational melodies common across the Conservative movement are written in bold text and transliterated in red italics in our Machzor. Rosh Hashanah Melodies Bar’chu for Evening Services – p5 Achat Sha’alti (from the Psalm for the month of Elul) – p27 Yigdal for Evening Services Continue Reading »
January March 3 March 28 April May June August October November December
By Cantor Jason Green Shabbat Shalom newsletter article for Parashat Pinchas, July 26-27, 2024 A story is told of Rabbi Sampson Raphael Hirsch (Germany, 1808-1888), the intellectual giant behind the founding of contemporary Orthodox Judaism: It is said that late in his life, the old rabbi surprised his students by scheduling himself a long trip Continue Reading »
Click here to view and sign Honest Reporting Canada’s petition against CTV’s and CBC’s abhorrent, antisemitic reporting on the incident at city hall:
Thank you for your generous donations We want to express our gratitude to all of the following who have generously supported the purchase of new Siddurim and Chumashim for our congregation by dedicating them in honour of their loved ones. Your kindness and support are truly appreciated. For those who have not yet donated, we Continue Reading »
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following generous individuals whose donations have made it possible for us to update the High Holiday Torah covers. Your kindness and support are deeply appreciated. Thank you for your invaluable contribution. Dedicated by Steven and Shelli Kimmel Dedicated by Steven and Shelli Kimmel in memory of our beloved Continue Reading »
Rabbi Kupchik was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. While completing medical studies at the University of Buenos Aires Medical School, he determined that Jewish studies and serving the Jewish people was truly his calling and his first love. He studied at the Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Continue Reading »