B’nei Mitzvah Handbook

A Guide for B’nei Mitzvah students, Parents, and Guests

Welcome to the B’nei Mitzvah program!

Firstly… MAZAL TOV!

As you approach this special event for your family, you will be busy with preparations. In order to help you better navigate this process, we are sharing this B’nei Mitzvah online “handbook” with you. In it you will find helpful information regarding synagogue guidelines, education, tutoring, services, Kiddush, and more. This booklet should function as your basic resource while planning for your simchah. Policies and timelines change from time to time, so new information will be made available to you as applicable.

We are excited about your simcha and look forward to helping you prepare. If you have any questions about anything in this FAQ, or anything else that pertains to your simchah, please feel free to contact us (see item #14 of this FAQ).

It is important that you’ve read through the entire handbook. If you haven’t, you may be missing valuable and helpful information. The KBI team also needs to know that we’ve done an effective job edifying everyone equally. We always welcome questions or concerns, of course, at any time.

Please click here to confirm you’ve read and understood the entire handbook.

May all the planning go smoothly and may you have a wonderful simchah! 

Mazal Tov from all of us at KBI!