B’nei Mitzvah

The occasion of your child becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah* is a very special time for you and your family, and for our congregation as well. At KBI we value the journey of each of our children as they prepare to become a ‘child of the Commandments’. We work closely with the family and the student to prepare them to embrace their responsibilities for our Jewish traditions and the community.

Various formats and opportunities exist for learning and leadership during the celebration of a B’nei Mitzvah. Cantor Green, our B’nei Mitzvah coordinator, will explain all the options in our annual B’nei Mitzvah Info sessions and in a “launch” meeting with your family. Throughout the journey, Cantor Green, with the support of other members of the KBI leadership and OTT@KBI, will guide, teach, and support your child to ensure that they will be challenged without being overwhelmed, treated as unique individuals, and be proud of becoming B’nei Mitzvah. Our Executive Director, Jeremy Rosenberg, will be happy to guide you on building logistics, kiddush sponsorship and catering details, room rentals for parties, and additional staff and security; and our Member Services Coordinator, Elisheva Brantz, will gladly help you with membership, organize a B’nei Mitzvah gift bag, and arrange for candies to be showered on your child on the special day.

Our B’nei Mitzvah program is a combination of:

  • Formal Jewish education in one of the recommended schools
  • Synagogue service attendance
  • Being a part of our Family B’nei Mitzvah Experience group, participating in social and holiday-based programs
  • weekly private study with the Cantor using your own, customized Bat/Bar Mitzvah webpage and a proven home-study technique
  • A meaningful mitzvah project
  • The preparation of a D’var Torah (short speech on the weekly Torah portion)
  • Sending your child to the annual Gesher/B’nei Mitzvah Shabbaton
  • Taking part in “World Wide Wrap”, an international day of learning about and wearing T’filin, which always takes place on the morning of Superbowl Sunday
  • And other meaningful and engaging experiences…

Before you embark on the B’nei Mitzvah journey, please Read the B’nei Mitzvah Handbook

To discuss a date for your simchah, or learn more about how KBI celebrates this special milestone occasion, please connect with Cantor Green.

*We recognize and affirm that some children identify as non-binary, and we will use appropriate English pronouns and Hebrew language (ie., “Na La-amod” and “mi-beit”) to reflect their gender identity throughout their preparation and learning process.