Thank you for your generous donations
We want to express our gratitude to all of the following who have generously supported the purchase of new Siddurim and Chumashim for our congregation by dedicating them in honour of their loved ones. Your kindness and support are truly appreciated.
For those who have not yet donated, we invite you to join us in supporting this important initiative. Your contribution will help us continue to provide these essential resources for our congregation.
Weekday Siddur
Irving Solman
Victor Rabinovitch
Judy Bosloy
Beverly and Irving Swedko
Bill Izso
Sam Kacew
Mitchell & Rena Sabloff
Irving Solman
Gustave Goldman
Barbara Blevis
Anita Rosenfeld
Norm & Debbie Ferkin
Mitchell & Rena Sabloff
Shabbat Siddur
Anita Rosenfeld