Emmett Morenstein’s Personalized Bar Mitzvah Page

Emmett, use this page 3-4 times each week to prepare for your Bar Mitzvah. To ensure simcha success, please use the tools and downloadable items provided here to learn and practice your training assignments between visits with Cantor Green. For questions, e-mail me at cantor@kehillatbethisrael.com or call/text me at 613-327-3984. It is your responsibility to check this page to ensure it’s working properly right after each lesson, and let Cantor Green know if there’s a problem right away.


Bar Mitzvah Date: Monday, May 22, 2023
PARASHAT Weekday Nasso
2 Sivan, 5783

Tutoring Schedule – Starting Dec. 1, 2022: Thursdays, 3:40-4:00pm in Cantor Green’s office @ KBI.

Mo, Nov 14, 2021



Intro to B’nei Mitzvah Process

Parent Intro to Webpage

Goal Setting

Lesson Time

STUDY METHOD (always have your printouts/pages in front of you)

1. In your first homework session, Listen to the assigned audio files, each phrase separately, at least 15 times each. Let it sink in! Best practice is to listen a couple more times in a second sitting before trying to sing along.

2. Sing along with the audio files many times until it is identical, smooth and confident. If there are glitches, use the slider to “rewind” and review a word or two at a time until identical. You’ll know you’re ready for step 3 when the audio recording feels too slow or is ‘holding you back’.

3. Sing the whole assignment without the audio file (as you will in your next lesson).

Use this approach every week, and knock my socks off with how well you know it!

AND, 4. every week, you MUST review at least once, everything learned to date, and FIX any glitches.

Th, Dec 1, 2022


Emmett intro to webpage

Prepare Blessing Before Torah reading

Learn Blessing Before Torah Reading using the homework technique in the box above this one (PDF | MP3)
Th, Dec 8, 2022


Review Blessing before Torah reading

Prepare Blessing after Torah reading

Prepare Torah Trope 1st half

Learn Blessing after Torah Reading (PDF | MP3)

Learn Torah Trope first half (up to first “Sof Pasuk) (PDF | MP3)

Th, Dec 15


Review Torah Blessings

Review Torah Trope first half

Prepare Torah Trope second half

Smooth out blessing after Torah reading

Smooth out Trope first half

Learn Trope 2nd half (PDF | MP3)

You have two weeks to finish learning this material. I suggest spreading it out evenly over two weeks, don’t leave it all for the second week.

Th, Jan 12


Review Torah Trope

Review Torah Blessings

Prepare Naso Aliya 1

Learn Naso Aliya 1, 4:21, 4:22, and 4:23 up to ad. Use the audio file below.
Th, Jan 19

NO LESSON, CJG ILL. Please do homework at right this week.

Review Aliya 1 to date

Prepare Rest of Aliya 1

Review Torah Blessings

Learn rest of aliya 1, from ben-chamishim shana

Remember to review everything learned so far each week!

Th, Jan 26


Review Aliya 1


Review and smooth out, “recapture” Aliya 1 up to ad in the middle of the aliya.

If you can do more, add incrementally new words, up to the next red trope.

Parents: Plan to register and be at the CURRENT STUDENTS B’nei Mitzvah information session on Tuesday, Feb 7, 6:45-8pm. Register at www.kehillatbethisrael.com/bm-sessions

Th, Feb 2


Review Aliya 1 to date

Prepare aliya 1, rest of 4:23, and 4:24.

Learn aliya 1, rest of 41:23 (from la-avod avodah), and 41:24.
Th, Feb 9


Review Aliya 1 (all)

Prepare Aliya 2, 4:25

Keep smoothing out Aliya 1, particularly the last pasuk (41:24)

Learn Aliya 2, 4:25

Touch up Blessing BEFORE Torah reading, being careful about the words at the start of each line, and about the tune of the “ham’vorach” in the first line.

SLOW DOWN – let your brain have time to transmit the correct instructions to your vocal apparatus.

Th, Feb 16


Review Aliya 2 to date

Prepare Aliya 2, 4:26 up to meitreihem

Learn Aliya 2, 4:26, up to meitreihem
Th, Feb 22


Review Aliya 2 to date

Prepare Aliya 2, 4:26, up to saviv.

Homework (brought forward from last week)

Learn Aliya 2, 4:26, up to saviv

Go back to 4:25 and smooth it out. Use the audio files — listen again several times before singing along and then singing on your own.

Make the whole aliya so far nice and smooth/confident

Th Mar 2


Review aliya 2 to date

Prepare aliya 2, rest of 4:26

Review Aliya 1

Learn aliya 2, rest of 4:25 (from v’eit mei-t’reihem)

Smooth out all of aliya 2 up to that point. (Watch for “Saviv”, “v’-et masach”, and music of “hatachash asher alav mil-mala”)

Learn Aliya 4:26

Th, Mar 9


Review Aliya 1

Review Aliya 2 to date

Prepare Aliya 2, 4:27 up to avodatam

In aliya 1, smooth out v24 – circled bit

In aliya 2, v27, work on notes and pronunciation of “al pi aharon uvanav

THIS WEEK: In v 26, Smooth out from v’eit mei-t’reihem to the end of the verse

Th, Mar 16 NO LESSON – CJG VACA THIS WEEK: Smooth out v27 up to hageir’shuni
Th, Mar 23


Review Aliya 1

Review Aliya 2 to date

Review the heck out of Aliya 2. Re-practice each verse, partic v25-27.
Th, Mar 30


Review aliya 2

Review aliya 1

Prepare rest of 4:27 and 4:28

Learn rest of 4:27 and 4:28 (ie., to the end of the aliyah)

You have 2 weeks to do this. Make sure you also spend time going over the whole aliya and keep it fresh and gaining in smoothness and confidence.

If you complete aliya 2 during the Pesach break and it’s working smoothly, you can power-listen a hundred times to ALIYA 3.

Th, Apr 20


Review Aliya 2

Review Aliya 1

Prepare Aliya 3, 4:29-30

Work on circled words in your aliyot

Plan to lead (with CJG) the stuff you know from school

Work on Aliya 3 – get first 3 verses smooth

Th, Apr 27


Prepare Ashrei Top & tail – tune of AZ Smooth out v31 & 32 – uvrichav v’amudav va-adanav

Learn v33

Th, May 4


Review all 3 aliyot

We only had 8 minutes for a quick runthrough… Homework this week is particularly important!! ===>

Practice all 3 aliyot from the TORAH (left-hand) side of the page. That’s closest to what it looks like in the Torah itself, with no vowels, punctuation, or trope (music symbols). We’ll aim to review it from the Torah next lesson.
Th, May 11


Do Torah reading review

Review Service items

Smooth out the tune of aliya 3, verse 33. Use the audio file to get you on the right track. Note that the trope of mish-p’chot goes up because the trope looks like it goes up! Remember, practice aliya 3 from LEFTHAND side like you do  for aliyot 1 and 2!
Th, May 18

Service at 7:15am
Breakfast 8:30-ish
Runthrough in the Sanctuary 8:50-9:45am (approx)


Bring your entire folder, PLUS your D’var Torah that you prepared with Rabbi Kenter, PLUS your Tallit and T’filin!

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Downloads (click to open, right-click to save to your computer)

Torah Trope Sheet (PDF)

Torah Blessings (PDF)

Weekday Nasso Aliya 1 (PDF | MP3) – All in Num. Ch 4

21 – 0:00 22 – 0:09 23 – 0:26 24 – 0:54

Weekday Nasso Aliya 2 (PDF | MP3)

25 – 0:00 26 – 0:28 27 – 1:13 28 – 1:45

Weekday Nasso Aliya 3 (PDF | MP3)

29 – 0:00 30 – 0:12 31 – 0:39 32 – 1:01 33 – 1:36

Weekday Torah Service Folder (PDF)

Goals in order of priority

Blessings before and after Torah reading –

Aliya 1 – DONE

Aliya 2 – DONE

Aliya 3 – DONE

Things Emmett knows from school –

Ashrei p21 – Emmett with CJG, top & tail

Aleinu p183 – DONE

Adon Olam p101 – DONE

Sh’ma Yisrael with Chabad V’ahavta – Emmett with CJG

D’var Torah (with Rabbi Kenter) – DONE

