04. Tutoring/Ritual Preparation

While both our Rabbi and Cantor will work with your family on spiritual issues, Cantor Green will be the primary tutor to prepare the B’nei Mitzvah student for their ritual participation. This service is provided with your membership. If you wish to use your own tutor, you must consult with the Cantor first. In such a case, the Cantor must be confident in the tutor’s suitability, and will regularly check in with the tutor and the student to assess progress.

Cantor Green teaches most, but not necessarily all, students’ private lessons, depending on number of students. He will challenge students without ever overwhelming them (or their family). Lessons are 20 minutes, in-person at KBI, and students are expected to spend at least 3 sittings at home of 15-20 minutes each, spaced evenly through the week, learning the material that was prepared in each week’s lesson, and also reviewing weekly at home everything learned so far. You can view a sample personalized bat mitzvah webpage here, which contains the recommended home-study method in the first row of the table. Your child(ren)’s personalized bar/bat/b’nei mitzvah webpage(s) will be presented in greater detail in your family’s launch meeting with Cantor Green.

Cantor Green can be reached at cantor@kehillatbethisrael.com. Rabbi Polansky can be reached at rabbi@kehillatbethisrael.com. Jeremy Rosenberg, our Executive Director (jeremy@kehillatbethisrael.com) will also meet with you to review synagogue and celebration-related details.