U’va L’Tzion (usually the B-Mitzvah or Cantor)
Lead Torah Service (usually the B-Mitzvah)
Ark Opening #1
Candy Distributors*
Aliyot/Torah Blessings (usually 3 aliyot; the b-mitzvah receives one of these). At KBI, we try to observe the tradition of calling one each, consecutively: Kohein, Leivi, and Yisrael, but when the celebrating family includes Kohanim and/or Levi’im, we may call Rishon, Sheini, Sh’lishi instead (ie., ignoring Tribe, to allow multiple people of the same tribe to be so honoured). In any case, we follow the tradition of not calling parents and children–or vice-versa–consecutively).
Hagbahah (lifting the Torah)—because some scrolls are heavy, please consult with the Honours Coordinator before assigning this honour.
Gelilah (tying the Torah)
Return Torah to Ark (may be the B-Mitzvah)
Ark Opening #2
Amidah (usually B-Mitzvah or Cantor)
At the conclusion of the Mincha service:
Parents’ blessing
B-Mitzvah D’var Torah
Rabbi’s blessing
Lead Ma’ariv Service
Lead Havdallah
Hold candle
Hold spices
*Available to non-Jews.