November 1st, Friday Evening Service & Kabbalat Shabbat: 5:30 PM (In-Person & Chapel Livestream)
Shabbat Candle Lighting: 5:31 PM
November 2nd, Shabbat Morning Services: 9:00 AM (In-Person & Livestream) Bar Mitzvah of Micah Aaron Prehogan
This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Harris and Ilana Prehogan in honour of their son, Micah Aaron Prehogan becoming Bar Mitzvah
Saturday Night/End of Shabbat: 6:31 PM
Harris and Ilana are extremely proud to announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Son, Micah Aaron Prehogan, on November 2nd, 2024. Micah attends The Ottawa Community Jewish School ( OJCS) in Grade 8 and will be graduating at the end of the year. Micah continues to improve his skills on the ice playing ice hockey and can always be found cheering on his beloved Ottawa Senators. He is also looking forward to returning to Camp B’nai Brith this upcoming Summer.
He will be preparing a D’Var Torah from Parashat Noach and is very much looking forward to celebrating this Simcah with his friends and family who are travelling from near and far. Micah would like to thank KBI, Cantor Green and Rabbi Polansky for helping to guide him through this very meaningful journey. Please join us for a Kiddish lunch following Shabbat services to celebrate this special occasion.